The first line of programming input gives programming variety of test cases, T. T lines follow. Each line consists of three space separated real valued numbers: C, F and X, whose meanings are described earlier in programming problem remark. C, F and X will each consist of at least 1 digit followed by 1 decimal point followed by from 1 programmers 5 digits. There could be no finest zeroes. For each test case, output one line containing Case x: y, where x is programming test case number beginning from 1 and y is programming minimal number of seconds it takes before you can have X scrumptious cookies. Moreover, recent preclinical and clinical progresses in purposes of EVs and oncolytic virus remedy basedon EVs, programming scientific demanding situations and perspectives were discussed. Huang et al. provided computing device technological know-how new method for synthesis of glycyrrhetinic acid and TAT peptide modified dual functionalliposome NPs for treatment of hepatocellular cancer. They constructed computing device technological know-how novel liposomal NPs using programming thin film dispersionmethod programmers encapsulate 10 hydroxycamptothecin changed with glycyrrhetinic acid and TAT peptide GA/TAT HCPT LP andassessed programming in vitro and in vivo antitumor hobbies of programming dual useful liposomal NPs. They showed that programming dual modifiedGA/TAT can enhance tumor concentrated on and tumor penetration. Metal NPs are standard in targeted therapy and analysis, but they’re associated with toxicity that can lead programmers severeadverse health outcomes.